Android Wont Images
How to Fix an Android smartphone when its messages are. Android Stuck on Sending or Downloading when picture. Don’t worry a soft reset won’t hurt.
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My Android Won't Boot
Device-Motorola Android from Verizon USA/English Firmware 2.0 I am new to smart phones, but I have been using Google e-mail on my pc for 3+ years Is there a setting on the phone that will allow me to view e-mails that have images, i.e., JPEG, JPG, BMP, etc. In e-mails i see using the phone? Currently I receive the message but instead of a thumbprint of the images I see a little box? I searched the market and this website but can not find an answer. Please advise me. Corrigan460 01.12.09 17:00.
Oskyldig, I tried your idea of browsing to google mail on the droid instead of using the gmail app. I was able to view my mail and see the embedded images, just as if i was using my PC. I hope Google fixes the gmail app because i like the easy of switching between accounts the app offers ( I have a personal and business e-mail i use with Gmail). Plus using the browser I am able to edit a received message an then forward it on to others. With the gmail app i could not figure out how to edit a message and then forward it, causing the new recipients to see the e-mail addresses that i would prefer to hide. Osky 15.12.09 2:12.
And on to the original topic: With regard to the 'Gmail' app, the 'Show pictures' button is equivalent to the 'Display images below' interface you'll see in Gmail on a computer. If there are specific examples of jpegs not displaying even after hitting the button, they're definitely worth a further look. If I understand you correctly you actually don't see that button at all? I'll upload a picture on how it looks on my phone, in a little while and then you can see if it looks the same on your device. Osky 15.12.09 2:24.