Clear Xobni Data Files

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Clear your Inbox. Prioritize and. Outlook Performance and Mail File Health. You will need to find the location of your Outlook mail files. Will it cause any problems, if we clear cached data? What Will Happen If I Clear Cached Data. Cached data is nothing but files. Will it cause any problems.


From, which maybe still applys to Outlook 2010: The reason you cannot get rid of the default Personal Folders that Outlook sets up for you is because Outlook makes you have a place for your contacts and calendar. Since the IMAP protocol doesn’t support “special folders” (i.e. Contacts and calendars), you must leave the Personal Folders data file there. The only way I know of to get rid of it would be to use Exchange Server because Microsoft’s MAPI protocol for Exchange Server supports special folders for contacts and calendars. According to the above, and since gmail does absolutely not use Exchange Server, the answer to your question is unfortunately negative. If it bothers you that the default account is still there, the following text from the same source explains how to set the gmail account as the default: In the folder menu on the left, Right click on the gmail inbox and choose “Add to favorite folders”. Then go to the “Favorite Folders” Group, above the mail folders, click the gmail inbox you just added, and drag it to the top of the pile, that way it will open as the default every time.

If you go to “Tools” and choose “Account settings”, click on the gmail account and then click on the button above that says “Set as default”. Is there a way for me to delete the 'Outlook Data File'? It says I need to select another as my default delivery, but neither of my IMAP'd gmail account will allow me to do this. Under File Info Account Settings, have you tried checking both tabs? E-mail and Data Files.

If you can't do it here, it's impossible to remove the file. Nothing will ever be delivered to that folder, so why would I want it to show up in my list of folders? Still, other things still need a storage. I foresee only one other thing you can try, and that is to back-up and remove the.pst files under%LOCALAPPDATA% Microsoft Outlook.

I'm using the Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector and I only have.ost files over there, so something similar must be possible for you.

. How to remove your Xobni account Before logging in at Xobni, going to your Account settings and (bottom of page) clicking the removal link, you may want to read this from the PP first, since of course in this case third parties may be involved: You control your information, so if you want us to un-link from a third party account, or delete some or all such information from Xobni servers, you can do so by going to your account settings page. Your information stored on the External Servers cannot be controlled or changed by Xobni. If you want to change what other Xobni users can see about you from the External Servers (such as a profile photo), you must change your settings on your third party accounts. Pretty clear, isn’t it? Direct removal link: Helpful Trick: Removing online data Publicly visible text/images often aren’t properly removed even when you succeed in removing an account.

Try editing or removing them manually before removing the account itself. If you’re unsure what happens to your tracks: this can be found mostly in the Terms of Service/Privacy Policy; otherwise you can always contact Xobni and ask personally. By the way, removal requests don’t necessarily mean your data will actually be removed (e.g. Due to legal obligations).

Define Data Files

Helpful Trick: Remove third-party logins If you signed up for Xobni using a third-party login such as Facebook or Twitter, you probably want to revoke all access from Xobni. Click to find out how. Warcraft 3 frozen throne download.