How To Stop Seeding While Ing

Posted on admin

Reddit is a top 10 website in terms of popularity. You'll only be seeding while the program runs. Permalink; embed. I see now why you wanted to stop seeding. Set the minimum ratio (%) under “Seeding Goal” to 0. Set the minimum seeding time under “Seeding Goal” to 0. Set the minimum number of available seeds under “Seeding Goal” to 0. Select (tick) the check box for limit the upload rate to (kB/s): [0 = stop] under “When uTorrent Reaches the Seeding Goal”, and set its value to 0.

How To Stop Seeding After Download


It seeds just fine while I'm downloading, but then doesn't seed at all when I finish that file. How do I keep seeding after I finish downloading on android? I'm using the latest version. Then again, I am just basing this off of having downloaded a popular GoT torrent, opening up my upload settings to max, then having my upload rate sit at 0 for the next few minutes. Maybe just noone connected to me yet? I actually just want to see what the max upload my phone is capible of because it should be 19x faster than my home connection.

So, I make the torrent from that reddit post. It was a torrent of a game that is FTP on the internet. I was the first one to make that torrent, and my cellphone was the first one to torrent it. I literally watched my peer list go from empty to having an peer instantly pop up that was downloading the same speed I was uploading.

I deleted the file and torrent a few times from my cell phone, and re torrented it just to make sure that I knew that it was my phone on that peers list. I tested most of this on that one torrent, so that I could control the variables as much as possible. But to rule out that this was just this torrent, I also test downloaded the most seeded thing on which was the lastest episode of Game of Thrones. Similar results.

It downloaded scary fast at 4.8 mB/s a second, and only ramped up to 200 kB/s because the 400mB file downloaded very quickly. My seeding immediately started to die off after that GoT download finished on my phone. Not the case on my home internet where that torrent too just keeps finding uploaders steadily.

After the movie finished downloading the status changed from 'downloading' to 'seeding' and it says it will take another couple of hours to 'seed'. Just wondering what this means and if it's necessary to wait for it to seed?

Secondly, after a couple of my movies finished downloading the status changed to 'finished' yet the 'uploaded' column still increased over night from 1.24gb to 2.23gb. Does it still download something else even after the movie finishes? If so, can I just click on 'stop downloading' once it reaches 100% because I don't want to take up much space with pointless extra bits and pieces? Or will this make the movie incomplete?

You should seed until at least 1.000 Ratio. Peer A peer is another computer on the internet that you connect to and transfer data. Generally a peer does not have the complete file, otherwise it would be called a seed.

Some people also refer to peers as leeches, to distinguish them from those generous folks who have completed their download and continue to leave the client running and act as a seed. Seed A computer that has a complete copy of a certain torrent. Once your client finishes downloading, it will remain open until you click the Finish button (or otherwise close it.) This is known as being a seed or seeding. You can also start a BT client with a complete file, and once BT has checked the file it will connect and seed the file to others.

Generally, it's considered good manners to continue seeding a file after you have finished downloading, to help out others. Also, when a new torrent is posted to a tracker, someone must seed it in order for it to be available to others. Remember, the tracker doesn't know anything of the actual contents of a file, so it's important to follow through and seed a file if you upload the torrent to a tracker.

Reseed When there are zero seeds for a given torrent (and not enough peers to have a distributed copy), then eventually all the peers will get stuck with an incomplete file, since no one in the swarm has the missing pieces. When this happens, someone with a complete file (a seed) must connect to the swarm so that those missing pieces can be transferred. This is called reseeding. Usually a request for a reseed comes with an implicit promise that the requester will leave his or her client open for some time period after finishing (to add longevity to the torrent) in return for the kind soul reseeding the file.

Swarm The group of machines that are collectively connected for a particular file. For example, if you start a BitTorrent client and it tells you that you're connected to 10 peers and 3 seeds, then the swarm consists of you and those 13 other people. Tracker A server on the Internet that acts to coordinate the action of BitTorrent clients. When you open a torrent, your machine contacts the tracker and asks for a list of peers to contact. Periodically throughout the transfer, your machine will check in with the tracker, telling it how much you've downloaded and uploaded, how much you have left before finishing, and the state you're in (starting, finished download, stopping.) If a tracker is down and you try to open a torrent, you will be unable to connect. If a tracker goes down during a torrent (i.e., you have already connected at some point and are already talking to peers), you will be able to continue transferring with those peers, but no new peers will be able to contact you. Often tracker errors are temporary, so the best thing to do is just wait and leave the client open to continue trying.

You can play the downloaded file/s and even copy/burn the downloaded file/s once it finishes downloading.even WHILE uTorrent is seeding it. There's no reason to stop them just to do that. Like torrero said, it is best and customary to upload at least to 1:1 ratio. Beyond that, it's up to you if you can spare the bandwidth. If people don't do this, BitTorrent DIES.and torrents will fail to complete.

And in the long run, that will 'waste' lots of bandwidth with failed torrents. If you have to, you can stop or pause a seeding torrent for awhile and restart it later.

It's better for others to seed when there's NEED (no other seeds) than when there's lots of seeds. So if you need to choose, stop the seeding torrents that have the most seeds and highest availability between all the peers first. Running too many torrents at once is actually bad, because you'll be uploading at less than 1 KiloBYTE/second to other people.

At that speed, it's painful. The 2nd link in my signature tells decent settings to avoid that while still allowing a semi-reasonable number of torrents running at once. It's just the time it takes at your present upload rate to upload as much as the size of the download.Assuming you're uploading the whole time of course. You download a 200 MB file and upload at 20 KiloBYTES/second.then it will take about 6 hours to upload 200 MB to others trying to download that file. Slower you upload, the longer it would take. But likewise, it'd probably take at least a little longer to download it in the first place if you're uploading slowly while downloading it.

Peers don't like to share to peers that don't share back. Obviously, you cannot download or upload faster than your line allows. So you need to know what those limits are. UTorrent's Speed Guide (CTRL+G) has a link to speed tests to test line speed.

BUT everything you have that uses the internet needs to be stopped (or at least not using the internet.much) while running the speed test! Even uTorrent needs all the torrents paused or stopped and DHT disabled while doing speed tests!

Once you find out how fast your line is both down and mostly use the UPLOAD speed to determine settings for uTorrent. The only thing download speed affects is maybe the max number of peers and seeds to connect to at once per don't need more than probably 20 if you can only download at 30 KiloBYTES/second total.

While if you could download at 1000+ KiloBYTES/second, you might want 100. It's a BAD idea to go much higher on Global max and per torrent max than Speed Guide (CTRL+G) recommends.

My speed guide alternative (2nd link in my signature) is more like the low end. You'd only possibly use lower than my suggestions IF you had a hostile ISP, really bad networking hardware or software, a very low monthly bandwidth quota, or trying to be nice to others sharing the same internet connection.